Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We have a lot to be thankful for this year. It's also Shannon's happy half birthday this week. We got her dressed up for her first holiday. Actually it was Thanksgiving last year that we told everyone she was on her way so she was kind of there last year.

Shannon even had some sweet potatoes to celebrate. She seems to dig veggies a little more than fruits these days we'll see if that sticks.

No seriously lady give me my food!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I love my bear

Here is a fun picture of Shannon and her big pink bear. My mother gave this to her when she was born and we pulled him out recently because she is almost bigger than him now. Unbelievable how fast time goes. Shannon not only loves her pink bear but her pink slippers also.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cute outfit

Here is Shannon in her first pair of black leggings. Of which her father hopes will be her last. These were too cute not to share.

Friday, November 7, 2008

House Renovations

Sorry I have been slow to post these, but Dale finished the siding and windows a couple of weekends ago. So exciting!!! We can already tell what a big difference this is going to make this winter minus the draft from the original windows and vintage yellow aluminium siding. All that's left is to do the front porch but we have run out of money and the drive so that will wait until spring. Don't you love how I say "we".


AFTER. YEAH!!! Looks great I love my husband.

Leaves, leaves and more leaves

Well today marked the start of our annual leaf raking. Everyone always says to us it doesn't seem like you have a lot of leaves. Well we do and this year I took the pictures to prove it. So this is round one taken last weekend. It's so sad because this weekend it doesn't even look like we raked yet. Oh well we are heading out again for round two and how ever many times we need to until it snows. I love the fall don't you???

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. Shannon started her day in an orange pumpkin sweat suit.

Then dressed up as a Pea Pod to help us answer the door. Wow I have learned not to buy a halloween costume in August she barely fit into it and was trying to push her scrunched up legs out the end of her pod.

Oh and I even captured on film the moment where she finally loses it with the pod!