In case you haven't heard we are having a baby. I'm due in June and am almost 18 weeks pregnant. We started taking some pictures of the ever expanding belly this weekend just thought I would share.
While we were in AZ for Sharon and Matt's wedding we figured we would check out the Grand Canyon while we were there. It was amazing. We spent a whole day exploring the southern rim and even caught an amazing sunset. We skipped the hike into the gorge and passed on the donkey rides but we did bump into a whole family of elk eating some tree bark, which startled me but they seemed cool with us even though all the signs said beware of aggressive elk.
This posting is way over due. We had a blast at Sharon and Matt's wedding on November 17th in Phoenix, AZ. And thank you for throwing such a great bash for our anniversary : ) We love you guys. Too bad my camera sucks otherwise I would have some great pictures to post here. Oh well.